Adjusting to a Work-Free Life
I’m five months into this new chapter—no regular day job, not even any kind of work at the moment. It’s a big change, but I’m 100% happy with the decision I’ve made. Though, the amount of money I’m burning through is starting to bother me. I’ll touch on that more later. I am also feel as busy as I have ever been – now I get why retired people they have no idea how they would fit everything into a week before they retired.
I’ve noticed there are others out there like me, living a pseudo semi-retired life. Knowing this brings some comfort, but I still feel guilt and discomfort about my lifestyle. I need to remind myself that I’m not alone in this journey, even if it feels that way sometimes.
Managing Expenses and Adjusting Priorities
Since returning from Indonesia, I’ve noticed that life in Spain is costing me far more than traveling did. I’m unsure if this is temporary or just a natural consequence of settling into a new rhythm. There’s the need to update the apartment, renting a car, and indulging in new gadgets—a TV, a leaf vacuum, a robot vacuum cleaner. It adds up quickly, but I know these changes are part of building a new foundation.
Planning for Colombia and Beyond
By February, I’m confident I’ll be ready to head to Colombia. I’m envisioning a structured cycle for my life: three months of travel, three months at home, and repeating the pattern. Beyond that, though, I’m uncertain where I’ll be next summer or autumn.
One thing I know is that I want a big adventure. A road trip keeps popping into my mind, but I’m torn: should I go for a motorcycle or stick to a car? A motorcycle sounds thrilling, but a car is more practical for luggage and comfort. Either way, the idea excites me, and I’ll figure it out in time.
A makeover for the apartment
The bedroom and living area are both getting a makeover. I thought about Grace during this process, but most of the furniture was here before she was. I think she’d be fine with me replacing it.
What’s my brand?
I’ve realized that I can’t make progress with my social media presence or personal brand until I’m clear about what I want to achieve and share. It’s something I need to focus on—defining my goals and direction so I can move forward with purpose.
What a personal transformation over 5 years!
This period has forced me to confront just how much I’ve changed as a person. My life has been flipped upside down, and I’ve had to make some fundamental decisions. Five years ago, I would never have imagined living the life I have now—it’s surreal to think about how much has changed in my life.